Since I started blogging back i
n July, I've been going on and off with little breaks here and there, but nothing all too significant, so this is probably going to be my first actual hiatus.
Well, what can I say? Life sure does get hectic. I admit it's a lot more bearable than I initially thought it to be, but I still feel drained of creativity these days.
My exam is right around the corner, and I'm pretty serious about this stuff now. If you've been following me for a while, or - with the ever present possibility - stalking me, you might have noticed that I take breaks ever so often every time I have a unit test week.
Anyway, that's one of the many reasons.
Also since my brain will be half rotten from all the studies by the 22nd of this month, I'll take this moment to wish The Literary Oracle a mighty three months! Party poppers, anyone?
I'm too much of a chicken to point out the names of everyone who has helped me thus far, because there's a very big chance I will forget like, half! BUT, I LOVE YOU ALL. And..maybe one day I will make a list of everyone who has helped me one way or the other.
So that's that. I will be back shortly, anyhow.
Probably after my exams, so it's a safe bet that I will be back with a rather feeble bang in a month.
Will I miss blogging? Erm..of course.
Will I miss my blogging friends? Terribly, and more than anything else.