Review: Apple and Rain by Sarah Crossan

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Genres: YA | Contemporary
Published: September 1st 2014
Publisher:  Bloomsbury
My rating: 
When Apple’s mother returns after eleven years of absence, Apple feels whole again. She will have an answer to her burning question – why did you go? And she will have someone who understands what it means to be a teenager – unlike Nana. But just like the stormy Christmas Eve when she left, her mother’s homecoming is bitter sweet, and Apple wonders who is really looking after whom. It’s only when Apple meets someone more lost than she is, that she begins to see things as they really are.

Like a brilliant hybrid of Cathy Cassidy and Jacqueline Wilson, Sarah Crossan entices you into her world, then tells a moving, perceptive and beautifully crafted story which has the power to make you laugh and cry.

A Thousand Pieces of You explores a reality where we witness the countless other lives we might lead in  an amazingly intricate multiverse, and ask whether, amid infinite possibilities, one love can endure. 

This is a beautiful story about family, love, the bitter sweet things life has to offer and the value of hope.

This being my first Sarah Crossan novel, I didn't have many ideas about what to expect. However, this one time, I let my expectations reach a higher peak, and needless to say, Apple and Rain did not disappoint.

I think we're all familiar with the concept that beauty is simplicity, and I certainly think that this book right here, fits the description perfectly. Apple and Rain does not have a complex premise full of twists, turns and unpredictable sequences. The writing was poetic, but not overly so. It was simple, but pleasant, seamless and fully capable of guiding the reader towards the core of the story.

What lies within are elements with much depth, and emotion. The characters, especially Apple, and the events unfolding were often a little too realistic, and I found myself relating to Apple much more than I expected to. At one point, I decided that if anyone has ever been thirteen, they will find it incredibly easy to connect with Apple. (But if you couldn't and you've ever been thirteen, please don't ruin the hogwash also known as my conclusions).

Apple is thirteen, but her narrative voice definitely did not sound thirteen. That didn't bother me as much as it should have, mainly because she learnt a lot of things along the way. She developed a lot as a character, and it was really an amazing thing to witness.

One of the key factors of the story is the family dynamic. Apple's family was messed up and even that is a bit of an understatement. I, for one, do not know how I would feel if one day I suddenly find out that I have a little sister I had not a single idea about. 

All of them made mistakes, but there's one other thing they had in common: what they wanted was love. Love that, in the end, they were giving each other, just in ways unique to their own self.

Apple was easy to connect to, and my admiration for her grew every time she crossed the line, to save the relationship between the mother who abandoned her, the sister she never knew of, and the Nana she believed despised her. It was clear all she wanted was for things to be okay, and I just wanted to give Apple a big hug because she had so many things to deal with. 

On her journey, Apple meets someone who could only be described as a ray of sunshine. A boy named Del, practically bursting with optimism. Their friendship and the bond that formed between the two was just as fantastic as everything else.

There's one thing that is always lingering in the far corner of this story, and that is hope, perhaps that one thing that can save us when it feels like life has shut down on all the choices. Apple and Rain will show you how a little bit of hope can get you a long way.

With realistic characters, a beautiful yet simple writing and bits of poetry, Apple and Rain is a book that was emotional and undeniably remarkable. One you must read to experience.

This will definitely not be the last of the author's books I read.

Have you read Apple and Rain? 
Is it on your TBR?
(If no: Hey, come on, look at that pretty cover). 

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BUT you're such a good contemporary reader though. Me, not so much. This one doesn't sound like me at all BUT I ant to be in on this author's writing. Beautiful writing? That's all I want in life. So now I'm kind of conflicted. BUT YES THAT COVER IS SO PRETTY <3

And your review kind of makes me want to give this one a go. SO ACE ON THAT BECAUSE IT'S BEAUTIFUL! <3
My recent post The Reluctant Cleaner of the Goodreads' Currently Reading Shelf
1 reply · active 520 weeks ago
It's really nice being a contemporary reader, tbh. SO many good books out there. Hopefully, you'll give this a go because it's a gem really. And THANKS. <3
I absolutely loved this one too Naban, it was just so emotional and left me in tears in some places. The mother honestly disgusted me, those poor kids, especially Rain. My heart broke for their grandmother as well, having raised Apple, then having it thrown back at her almost.

Absolutely brilliant review, I'm thrilled you loved this as much as I did too <3
My recent post Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper
1 reply · active 520 weeks ago
Yes, it was so sad. But I would like to think her mother just didn't do it out of cruelty, you know? But yes, it was still really bad on her part. I actually really adored the grandma.

Thank you, Kelly! I'm happy to know you loved this as well!
Aww, sounds cute!!! I think I'll add this one on Goodreads. Apple is a little too young for my taste....but perhaps I could deal with that? Anyhow, wonderful review! I love the themes that seem to be explored in this!!
My recent post Review: All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
1 reply · active 520 weeks ago
It was so! I thought Apple's age would be the one thing that would bother me about this novel but sweet surprise - it didn't! I hope you like it if you decide to read it.
This was my first Sarah Crossan read too! I really liked it, but I wasn't as sold as you. ;-) Del was fabulous and I loved how Apple really changed and matured over the book. THEIR MOTHER THOUGH. *shakes fist* I felt so sorry for the grandma the whole time....and of course the descriptions of her meals made me absolutely starving. xD
Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

My recent post #BookwormProblems
1 reply · active 520 weeks ago
Yes, omg, I wanted to give the grandma a hug because GOSH! And the food she made was described so perfectly...I think I'm hungry now. I'm sorry you didn't like it as much, but I'm glad you didn't HATE it either. ;D
Eeep yes I loved this one too, Naban! I absolutely adored the family dynamics too! Everything was just so authentic and beautiful, really. xD
1 reply · active 520 weeks ago
Aye! So glad you loved this just as much. I'd read more of this author gladly.
IT IS! It truly is. I want to squish it with love. Feel-good stories are so special, I agree.
My recent post Happy Birthday Oh Frabjous Cait!
1 reply · active 520 weeks ago
OH FRABJOUS YOU! THANK YOU!! You're seriously one of the SWEETEST bloggers I know. Let's share cake. <333
I have heard so many good things about this book! Especially how emotional a read it was. It does sound like the type of book that would induce a lot of feels (damn families). I'll have to keep an eye out for this in the future I think.

Thanks for the lovely review!
My recent post What’s in a Name? Hopefully Not Mine
1 reply · active 520 weeks ago
Books about family are usually so emotional, I must admit. I hope you like this one when you read it! It was truly a gem.
Amy-Anne Williams's avatar

Amy-Anne Williams · 520 weeks ago

Alohaa, I'm a new reader and I just wanted to say that your blog looks pretty cool and I'm going to be a returning reader from now on c:
Also, let me know if you want to do the whole follow on GFC thing c:
Little Moon Elephant
1 reply · active 520 weeks ago
I'VE REALLY BEEN WANTING TO READ THIS! LIKE SO BAD. I just keep on pushing it off because I DON'T KNOW. Oh well I will get to it one day! I'm glad you loved it so much AND YES THAT COVER IS SO PRETTY! I didn't know the MC was only 13 years old though!
My recent post Stacking the Shelves #18
1 reply · active 520 weeks ago
OH, WHY. I hope you read it sooon because I would HIGHLY recommend it. She was 13, but it was easy to mistake her for a 15 year old but it was done pretty well so I didn't mind all that much!

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